Yayınlama Tarihi : 12.03.2024
CONTENTS | Sayfa No |
Cover Page | 1 |
Contents | 2 |
Preface | 3 |
About US | 4 |
Organization | 5 |
Sustainability Policy | 6 |
Environmental Management and Occupational Health/Safety Policy | 7 |
Sustainability Management | 8 |
Sustainability Working Group (SÇG) Activities | 9 |
SÇG Duties Powers and Responsibilities | 10 |
Tunaset Sustainability Principles | 11 |
Customer Relations and Principles | 12 |
Compliance with Legal Agreements | 12 |
Independent Review of Information Security | 13 |
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corrupiton Principles | 13 |
Companies Outsourcing Representatives and Intermediaries | 14 |
Gifts | 15 |
Entertainment Transaction Facilitation Payments-Job Offers | 16 |
Powers of Attorney Donations SponsorShips Fighting Against Corruption and Bribery | 17 |
Protection of Personel Data Human Rights and Ethical Employment | 18 |
Environmental Management Occupational Health and Safety Management | 19 |
Conflicts of InterestReteilation-Protection of Fair Competition Conditions | 20 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | 21 |
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reports/Graphs | 22 |
Last Word | 23 |
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TUNASET Customs Consultancy Ltd.Şti. was established in 2000 to provide Customs Consultancy Services. It has started to offer National and International Transportation Services to its customers since 2011.
As of 2020, within the scope of both our customers' demands and the developments in the health, pharmaceutical and clinical research sectors, our existing "Quality and Information Security Systems", "Environment, Occupational Health/Safety"
and "Ethics/Compliance Management" requirements were integrated and work on these issues was accelerated.
As of 2023, Sustainability concepts have become increasingly important for our company, therefore the scope of "Ethics and Compliance Management" has been expanded and studies and reporting have begun to be developed under "Sustainability Management".
At this stage, "Sustainability Scope" and "Sustainability Policy" were determined by Tunaset Management, a "Sustainability Working Group" was established in order to manage and develop these studies, and the duties, powers and responsibilities of the working group were determined.
As TUNASET, we aim to share our short/long-term goals and our performance in the environmental, social and management fields, our strategic management approach, our relations with our stakeholders and our practices within the scope of our Sustainability Report covering the period 01.January - 31.December 2023.
The uncertainties faced by the world, environmental and social changes bring about inclusive, balanced and innovative business processes that are in line with the trends of the future.
We continue our investments in 2023, despite the operational and financial conditions becoming increasingly challenging and complex for our industry.
In this report, we are happy to share with you, our valued stakeholders, our work in the fields of climate crisis and energy management, waste management and circular economy, water management, gender equality and social benefit.
Tunaset Customs Consultancy and Global Logistics Limited Company was established in Istanbul in 2000 to provide Customs Consultancy Services.
In 2011, Global Logistics was added to the company name and since then it has been providing General and Special Cargo transportation, domestic and international transportation services and commercial goods transportation services.
In this context, our company, as a GDPR (Good Distribution Practices) certificate holder, offers special Storage and Logistics solutions in the Health, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research sectors, especially Biofarma warehouses and temperature-controlled items.
In 2015, Tunaset integrated into the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) and started to carry out Transit transactions that started or ended in countries such as EU member countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine, as the Principal Responsible.
Our company carries out its Customs Consultancy and Logistics activities with its national and international documents, permits and equipment.

TUNASET Customs Consultancy and Global Logistics Limited Company continues its Foreign Trade, Customs Clearance, Transportation, Consultancy and Management and Administrative Organization Activities related to these Services within the scope of Customs Consultancy and Local/Global Logistics Activities in its Central Pendik Office, and provides national services to its customers and other Stakeholders whom it serves. and in order to respond to the needs and expectations at the highest level within the framework of international legislation, it has adopted this Policy to be implemented by the decisions of the Top Management in the Head Office and affiliated offices, warehouses, etc. facilities.
For this reason, our goals in accordance with the Sustainability Principles and Standards that we have established and aim to develop are as follows;
v To comply with legal national and international regulations in the work environments in which we operate,
v To create a Tunaset Culture based on Quality, Transparency, Honesty and Reputation, created and developed with the contributions of everyone,
v To ensure efficient use of natural resources and energy resources by conducting environmental analysis,
v To ensure that Risk Analyzes and Emergency Plans are made and followed up to eliminate Occupational Health and Safety hazards that may arise from activities,
v To implement Information Security rules together with our stakeholders in all our activities,
v To implement and develop the Ethical codes within this culture together with all the people, institutions and stakeholders we cooperate with, in order to prevent conflicts of interest and retaliation (Practices are explained in detail in the (EP.00) SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT procedure)
v Defining our steps and constantly improving our performances with the principle that if we do not know, we cannot measure, if we do not measure, we cannot manage,
v To ensure the improvement of our processes by placing Customer Satisfaction at the center of our company and ensuring the participation of all our stakeholders and employees in order to achieve this development,
v To follow a sustainable environmental management policy on climate change, environmental legislation and environmental standards with the participation of our stakeholders,
v To accurately determine and announce the duties, authorities and responsibilities of our employees within the processes, to increase their awareness through training, meetings and similar activities, and to ensure their active participation in the processes,
v To establish and maintain systems integrated with other Management Systems.
v This Policy is reviewed and updated by the Senior Management once a year, except for possible requirements.
TUNASET Customs Consultancy and Global Logistics Limited Company continues its Foreign Trade, Customs Clearance, Transportation, Consultancy and Management and Administrative Organization Activities related to these Services within the scope of Customs Consultancy and Local/Global Logistics Activities in its Pendik Office, and provides services to its customers and other Stakeholders nationally and internationally. has adopted this Policy to respond to its needs and expectations at the highest level within the framework of international legislation.
For this reason, our goals in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Standards that we have established and aim to develop are as follows;
v To comply with legal and international regulations in the work environments in which we operate,
v To ensure efficient use of natural resources and energy resources by conducting environmental analysis,
v To ensure that Risk Analyzes and Emergency Plans are made and followed up to eliminate Occupational Health and Safety hazards that may arise from activities,
v Defining our steps and constantly improving our performances with the principle that if we do not know, we cannot measure, if we do not measure, we cannot manage,
v To ensure the improvement of our processes by placing Customer Satisfaction at the center of our company and ensuring the participation of all our stakeholders and employees in order to achieve this development,
v To accurately determine and announce the duties, authorities and responsibilities of our employees within the processes, and to increase their awareness through training, meetings and similar activities,
v To establish and maintain systems integrated with other Management Systems.
v This Policy is reviewed and updated by the Senior Management once a year, except for possible requirements.
In the services it provides, our company is based on the relevant laws and regulations of the Customer, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other authorizing/supervising Authorities/Lawmakers, and it does not have any application within the scope of design and development.
Since Tunaset provides internal and global logistics, warehousing, etc. services outsourced through contracted companies within the scope of main processes such as export, import, transit, there is no special process application that requires validating the processes.
Since our company does not use any measuring instruments within the framework of its processes, there is no monitoring and measuring device management.
Since the locations are few and small and their impact level is low, the evaluation of Tunaset Ethical Principle Dimensions, Tracking of Records, Examination, inspection and analysis of Protective Measures and related management methods and activities are carried out and evaluated by the Sustainability Working Group (SWG).
Within the scope of sustainability, Tunaset's Greenhouse Gas Emissions (WP.00) are monitored within the Environmental Management System, reported to Management/Customers and published on the Website.
Our company has received ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Corruption Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificates, especially in line with the demands of our customer companies, and to carry these systems to further levels, Sustainability within the framework of international agreements and standards. In order to ensure the following, it was decided to establish a Sustainability Working Group (SWG) on 12.10.2023.
SÇG consists of General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Finance Manager and Quality System Manager.
This Working Group, in addition to the duties and responsibilities of the previously established Environment and OHS Working Group (ÇWG) and Ethics Working Group (ECG), will also be responsible for all studies to be carried out within the scope of Sustainability.
Our Working Group will be responsible for the work to be done for the Planning, Establishment, Operation, Performing Risk Analyzes, Evaluation, Auditing and Continuous Improvement of ISO Standards and Sustainability Activities in Pendik Headquarters and all affiliated departments of Tunaset Company.
Decisions to be taken will be taken unanimously at the SCG.
The decisions to be taken at the held/next planned meetings will be distributed to the relevant departments/persons, their implementation will be ensured and will be monitored.
Based on the concept of "Management Systems is a team effort", it is very important for all our personnel to participate in the work required by the system.
In this context, it becomes important to improve the processes we carry out, to identify and evaluate the opportunities that arise from this, and to manage and protect our risk-based perspective during these evaluations.
To determine Tunaset's Sustainability goals and Principles, to ensure the implementation, reporting and auditing of these principles,
Creating a Company Culture based on Quality, Transparency, Honesty and Reputation while establishing these principles,
To disseminate the ethical and compliance codes within this culture to Tunaset employees and the people, institutions and all our stakeholders with whom we cooperate,
By making GAP Analyzes, recording the effects of these analyzes in the annual Development Plan, and determining the monitoring processes for the activities to be carried out as a result of this plan, such as Risk Analysis, CPA, Action Plan, etc.,
To ensure the preparation and control of documents and records on relevant matters together with KSY,
To ensure the participation of employees in the Management System and to provide necessary training on these issues,
To follow up all planned/unplanned activities related to Management Systems,
To follow the Turkish Laws, Legislations and, if necessary, international procedures regarding Management Systems and Sustainability, and to implement them when necessary,
To assist and participate in KSY in Supplier Audits, Internal Audits and YGG, aiming for continuous improvement in Management Systems and Sustainability.
Tunaset's Sustainability Principles, including its Ethical Values, are below;
v Respect for the Customer and unconditional Customer Satisfaction
v Compliance with Laws and Legislation
v Supply chain ethical studies and encouraging our companies on Sustainability
v Information Security requirements
v Preventing the occurrence of irregularities, improprieties and false statements
v Fighting bribery and corruption
v Confidentiality and Protection of personal data
v Ensuring compliance with Environmental Management
v Ensuring compliance with Occupational Health and Safety
v Compliance with human rights and ethical employment policies
v Employee and Human Rights, Corporate Culture, Talent and Career Management
v Preventing conflicts of interest
v Prevent retaliation
v Fair Competition conditions
v Investor protection and win-win management
v Corporate citizenship
v Sustainability Priorities, Targets and Management
v Transparency, Internal Control and Audit, Risk Management
v Digitalization, Cyber Security, Innovation
v Environmental Impacts, Carbon and Water Footprint tracking, Reducing Emissions
v Performance Indicators, Corporate Memberships, Verification Statements
One of Tunaset's most important resources and assets is its Customers. In this context, evaluating, solving and analyzing problems that occur and/or may occur within the scope of the services it provides is an issue that all Tunaset employees should prioritize.
Customers' special requests and satisfaction should be prioritized, and all transactions should be carried out within the framework of Turkish Laws and Legislation.
Organizing and developing relations with customers (KP.04) is clearly determined for all personnel in Customer Relationship Management and (KT.07) Job Descriptions, and these rules are applied without compromise.
Applicable laws by our organization are defined and kept up to date within Tunaset Context and Document Management. Requirements regarding legal and other agreements are taken into account when determining information security controls.
All software products used in our company are licensed. For external materials used in the software, compliance with legal, regulatory and contractual requirements on the use of materials in accordance with intellectual property rights and the use of patented software products has been ensured. Compliance with this process is guaranteed by the policy, instructions and privacy statement.
Records are protected against loss, destruction, forgery, unauthorized access and unauthorized publication in accordance with legal, regulatory, contractual and business conditions. Regulatory policies have been established to protect records and are reviewed at YGG meetings. Access to records, retention periods and storage conditions are determined in accordance with legal regulations and establishment conditions (KP.02) and are stated in Document Management.
There are e-government and e-signature applications in use. Their conditions are defined in the relevant legal articles. It is used within the organization in accordance with these laws. The control and management of these applications are carried out by the relevant ministries.
Information Security practices, certification audits and surveillance audits are reviewed by certification bodies and internal auditors. Any nonconformities found constitute input for YGG meetings.
Compliance with security policies and standards is reviewed by the Senior Management at YGG meetings.
Information systems are reviewed by KSY and IT Manager with reports and tests received from the Cloud. The results are reviewed at YGG Meetings.
Tunaset is against all kinds of bribery and corruption and is determined to comply with the relevant laws, regulations and principles. Pursuing corruption by accepting or giving bribes is absolutely unacceptable, regardless of the purpose. It is absolutely unacceptable to cooperate with third parties who want to do business with Tunaset for such a purpose. It is our principle not to continue the business relationship.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is an important part of Tunaset's Sustainability Management prepared in accordance with the United Nations Global Compact. For this reason, in order to protect the Integrity and Reputation of Tunaset, potential Corruption Actions and Risks are defined below.
The aim and duty of Tunaset Management is to constantly uphold these policies and provide information to all its employees in order to identify, reduce and manage corruption risks. To raise awareness of its employees about legal requirements, to keep communication channels open to ensure employee notifications, to ensure that all transactions are carried out correctly in official registration systems, It is the duty of the Senior Management to take all precautions and increase their effectiveness to ensure that there are no accounts, funds and assets that cannot be disclosed or recorded for any purpose and that such transactions should not be carried out.
In order to follow these procedures and policies regularly, a Sustainability Working Group (SÇG) consisting of the General Manager, Customs Consultants, Accounting Manager and Quality System Manager was established within Tunaset. The establishment of this working group (EPL.00.C) was announced with the Establishment and Notification document. Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities are determined by the document (EP.00.D). In accordance with this document, SÇG is responsible for the protection, control and monitoring of all Sustainability and Ethical Principles.
All rules governing outsourced services and related ethical approaches (KP.05) are strictly implemented in accordance with Outsourced Services Management and sub-Instructions.
Companies and business partners that receive outsourcing services, including support services, are required to comply with policy principles and other relevant regulations, and relationships with individuals and organizations that do not comply are reviewed.
In the selection phase of outsourcing companies and business partners, senior management takes into account criteria such as experience, financial performance, technical competence, as well as morality and a positive history in this field. Relations with companies that have negative intelligence regarding bribery or corruption are reconsidered. In this context, the responsibility for carrying out the necessary research and evaluations lies primarily with the Senior Management.
In agreements and contracts to be made with companies and business partners that have positive intelligence and meet other criteria;
• Ensuring full compliance with the principles specified in the policy and other relevant regulations,
• Ensuring that its employees internalize these principles and act accordingly,
• Ensuring that employees receive policy-related training at regular intervals,
• Conditions are included regarding regular reminders to employees about their notification obligations and encouraging them to notify if they encounter such situations, and provisions are made stating that the employment will be terminated if these are not complied with or if a situation contrary to the policy occurs.
It is primarily the responsibility of Tunaset Senior Management to monitor the compliance of the company or its business partners with the said issues.
Using Agents and Intermediaries can pose a high risk of corrupt practices. This risk can only occur if an intermediary operates in a high-risk country.
Since an act of corruption committed by a third party may be deemed to have been committed by Tunaset, the use of an intermediary must be in compliance with this policy and other procedures on this subject.
No intermediary should be hired without adequate and careful examination to ensure that it will not damage Tunaset's reputation and that it meets the qualifications for the task it will be intermediating.
Our employees may not provide any item/service or cash, check, etc., regardless of value, exceeding 200 TL (Two Hundred Turkish Liras) for any transaction or work. cannot request, provide or accept benefits. Gifts or other gifts that may or are intended to influence our company's preferences and decisions should not be accepted, and such requests should not be made.
Within the scope of company policy, the main rule is not to accept gifts, but there is no harm in accepting gifts provided that the following conditions are observed:
If possible, the supervisor should be informed about this issue beforehand or immediately afterwards,
It is not done with the intention of influencing, encouraging or rewarding a third party in order to obtain any benefit through unfair performance or to provide mutual advantages or benefits to each other, expressly or impliedly,
Compliance with national legislation,
Giving as a company rather than as an individual,
Does not contain cash or cash equivalent value (such as gift certificates or vouchers),
It must be appropriate to the conditions of the concrete situation (For example, it is customary to give small gifts at New Year's Eve in Turkey),
The gift must be of an appropriate value and given at an appropriate time (For example, catering/hospitality is not accepted during the tender process.)
It should be given openly, not secretly.
Even if these specified circumstances exist, gifts and/or hospitality cannot be given to, or received from, public officials, representatives or politicians or political parties.
In addition to these specified situations;
Giving, promising or offering a payment, gift or hospitality with the intention of influencing, encouraging or rewarding unfair performance,
Giving, promising or offering any payment, gift or hospitality to a public official, official or representative to “facilitate” or expedite a routine transaction is strictly prohibited.
Hospitality is an event or activity sponsored by a person or other company other than the company. Hospitality event(s) may include:
social events
dinner invitation
The Company may offer entertainment to third parties to develop its commercial relations and normal business networking activities. These third parties may include customers, consultants, lawyers, auditors and other related companies (including their employees, families and friends) with whom the companies have business relationships. The Company offers its hospitality publicly, in good faith and unconditionally.
The same principle applies to the acceptance of hospitality offers personally or on behalf of connected persons (family members, friends, close contacts, etc.). When a high-value hospitality offer comes that may not comply with company principles, approval must be obtained from the relevant unit manager.
Even if it complies with the issues specified in the policy, situations that may lead to or be perceived as a conflict of interest should not be caused, and in such cases, hospitality offers should not be offered or accepted.
Tunaset does not allow individuals and organizations within the scope of this policy to offer facilitation payments to secure or accelerate a routine transaction or process (obtaining permits and licenses, obtaining documents, etc.) with government institutions.
To avoid the appearance that a job offer (temporary or permanent) could in any way be an act of corruption, we must ensure that such offers are made “outside normal competitive recruitment processes” to customers, business partners (third parties known to be closely associated with them) or government officials and public officials ( It is a general principle that this should not be done to people who are known to be closely affiliated with Civil Servants.
Tunaset, in its relations with persons and/or institutions such as proxies, suppliers and contractors who serve as representatives, provide management consultancy, deal with functions such as accounting, payroll, information technologies or facility management, or persons who are heard or suspected of bribing third parties, should not establish relationships with institutions; if a relationship of this kind is detected as of the date of receipt of the information, relevant warnings will be made; If the warnings do not yield results, the commercial relationship is terminated.
Persons, suppliers or contractors who establish relationships with Tunaset and work on its behalf must agree to comply with legal regulations and all applicable anti-corruption laws.
No donations are made by Tunaset for political purposes.
Tunaset, charitable contributions and sponsorships requested must only be legal, in compliance with the regulations, policies, directives and regulations issued by Tunaset and in accordance with the applicable local laws.
Every contribution and sponsorship for charity must be made in an open and transparent manner. In this case, transparent criteria should be determined for the selection of buyers.
Tunaset has zero tolerance for acts of corruption. No acts of corruption are tolerated in the transactions of Tunaset employees and/or third parties with Tunaset.
While performing their duties, our employees cannot make any payment that can be described as a bribe to a third party, or do not tolerate the other party offering, promising, requesting, demanding, giving or accepting this in their relations with third parties.
All our employees are obliged to act in accordance with the rules regarding bribery and the Compliance and Ethics Rules published by the company.
In order to protect the reputation of our company, it is the individual responsibility of all our employees to report any violation of anti-corruption rules.
If any of our employees violates the rules contained in this policy, the Sustainability Working Group will be informed.
Failure to report or ignore situations that are contrary to acts of corruption, even though they are noticed, will also be considered as a violation of the anti-corruption rules.
All our employees must report questions regarding the anti-corruption policy and those who violate the rules specified in this policy or suspicious situations that may harm our reputation and trust. To report and analyze these situations, the Management can be reached via e-mail or oneri@tunaset,com.
performance evaluations, including wages, retirement and benefits, prospective, current or
Access to former employee records and personal data should only be made by authorized persons and in accordance with data privacy laws.
can be provided as appropriate.
Tunaset complies with all personal data of its employees and customers in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.
processes, stores and disposes of it appropriately. Sensitivity to be shown in the personal data of our employees
Likewise, personal data and confidential data provided by our customers, suppliers and other business partners
It is also shown while protecting.
During the business communication process, we learn a lot about other companies, including customers, suppliers and competitors.
information is accessed. There are some legal and ethical limits on obtaining competitive information. Tunaset expects its employees to act in accordance with legal and ethical limits.
All rules regarding the Confidentiality and Protection of Personal Data and the ethical approaches related to them (KP.07) are strictly implemented in accordance with the Human Resources Management and its sub-Instructions.
Tunaset is committed to respecting and protecting human rights wherever it operates.
It is unacceptable for the issues specified below to be present within Tunaset. It is not possible to work with a third party whose working conditions contain any of these substances;
• Exploitation of children, especially child labor
• Physical punishment method
• Violence against employees, especially based on gender, origin, religion or sexual orientation,
• Forced or compulsory labor
• Unlawful discrimination in employment and hiring practices
• Unsafe working conditions
• Employment below minimum wage, salary cuts
• Illegal overtime practices
For Tunaset, its employees are the most important value, therefore its employees and all parties it communicates with are equal,
It aims to ensure that people are treated fairly and respectfully and are not discriminated against.
Tunaset; race, color, religion, gender, age, nationality, language, sexual preference, marital status, disability, etc. does not consider differences,
It treats everyone equally and fairly in decisions regarding recruitment, selection, development and promotions, and expects managers, employees and all parties it communicates with to display the same approach.
Tunaset voluntarily shares the responsibility of protecting the environment. To protect and develop natural resources and
Tunaset employees will show the necessary sensitivity to minimize the negative impact.
is committed to its policies.
According to this;
• The offices and vehicles used within the company are based on security and environmental protection policies.
• Care is taken to comply with environmental laws and third party requirements and to monitor environmental compliance and performance by using sustainable practices.
All rules regarding Environmental Management and Sustainability and their ethical approaches (WP.00) are strictly implemented in accordance with the Environmental System Management and sub-Instructions. In this context, Tunaset carries out Risk Analysis and environmental-impact assessment, and if necessary, it may contract with an authorized company for environmental measurements.
Healthy for Tunaset employees, customers, suppliers, subcontractors and shareholders
and strives to create a safe environment. Everyone can achieve this
It is possible by acting with a sense of responsibility and being in cooperation.
At Tunaset, occupational health and safety is integrated into all business processes and
A culture where safety concerns are reported and resolved is encouraged.
Personal safety and process safety go far beyond following the rules. For this reason
Every employee and contractor who comes into contact with the company is liable to serious injury or death.
Know what to do and how to act to prevent the risk of safety risks
should be alert about this.
All rules regarding Occupational Health and Safety and their ethical approaches (IP.00) are strictly implemented in accordance with the OHS System Management and sub-Instructions. In this context, Tunaset may agree with an authorized OSGB to conduct Risk Analysis and Emergency Planning and provide OHS Training.
In decisions regarding Tunaset business processes, Tunaset interests, not personal interests, should be taken into consideration.
finds it appropriate to take it as a basis.
Situations where conflict of interest may arise are as follows:
• Working a second job outside of work and business relationships, providing service, being a manager or consultant
to serve as.
• Between you and Tunaset's current and potential competitor, customer or supplier.
Having a financial interest.
• A close relative of yours who works with you or under you or who works in our business unit.
have any business relationship with someone other than formal consulting services.
• Undeclared public official relatives.
• Close relatives investing in a competitor, supplier or customer of Tunaset
Retaliation: When you report any situation or person, the person you reported or your managers or colleagues engage in harmful behavior towards you in order to punish you.
Protection of people who report is among our fundamental principles. Tunaset does not allow any employee who reports a concern in good faith to be subjected to retaliation.
Anyone who raises concerns about retaliation against an individual or takes action to initiate an investigation will be subject to disciplinary action.
It is possible for customers to receive the best service in the most appropriate way through free marketing and fair competition.
All anti-competitive behavior is prohibited by law. According to these laws prohibiting anti-competitive behavior, the violations are as follows.
• Entering into anti-competitive agreements with competitors, including price fixing, bid rigging, market allocation and supply restriction.
• Sharing sensitive competitive information with competitors
• Imposing restrictions on customers and suppliers
• Abuse of market dominance position
• Making some merger and acquisition agreements
Tunaset expects all its employees to act in compliance with the law.
Tunaset Customs Consultancy and Global Logistics company has defined the measurement protocols of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions it causes, effective from the beginning of 2023, and decided to make these measurements regularly, report them, verify them in 2026 and obtain an assurance report.
In this context, the results of the measurements made in 2023 are below, and on the bottom page there are graphs of the 3 most important emission values.
OWN OWNED TRUCKS – 223.74 t.CO2.e (K.1)
OWN OWN SMALL VEHICLES – 12.57 t.CO2.e (K.1)
ELECTRICITY – 7.13 t.CO2.e (K.2)
NATURAL GAS – 2.37 t.CO2.e (K.2)
PERSONNEL VEHICLES – 39.04 t.CO2.e (K.3)
SUPPLIER VEHICLES – 10.46 t.CO2.e (K.3)
COMMON AREA HEATING – 0.91 t.CO2.e (K.3)
WATER FOOTPRINT – 0.234 t.CO2.e (K.4)
If we summarize these values;
K.1. Total Emission Amount: 236.31 t.CO2.e
K.2. Total Emission Amount: 9.49 t.CO2.e
K.3 Total Emission Amount: 50.41 t.CO2.e
K.4 Water Footprint: 0.234 t.CO2.e
Tunaset Total Emission: 296.45 t.CO2.e

As Tunaset, in this report, our principles, strategic management approach, relations with our stakeholders and some of our practices within the scope of Sustainability, based on the period of January 1st - December 31st, 2023, are shared with you.
Since Tunaset is not a large-scale production facility and mainly carries out work in an office environment;
-Climate Crisis and Energy Management,
-Waste Management and Circular Economy,
-Water Management,
-Social Benefit
Although long-term Sustainability Goals have not been determined and announced at this stage, our staff is provided with periodic awareness training on relevant issues.
As seen above, our Trucks constitute 79.7% of our Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions, our vehicles and all their equipment are 2021 model years and above, they have Euro 6 engines, they all work in accordance with international transportation legislation, for these reasons, a reduction target in vehicle emissions cannot be determined, Considering that the number of our vehicles will increase in the coming years, it is predicted that there will be an increase.
Since our number of suppliers is very small (usually they are office work and consultancy/audit companies), our Supply Chain Management and Traceability/Assessment issues are carried out in accordance with ISO Standards, and no detailed study is carried out with these companies within the scope of Sustainability.
Participation in Sustainability Initiatives is not foreseen due to the structure of our company, and mandatory or optional Corporate Memberships are not our priority. Since the work of these initiatives is mainly carried out within the scope of gender / women's rights and Tunaset, as stated below, prioritizes only merit due to the possibility of such positive discrimination hurting people, does not consider such memberships necessary.
Considering that the average number of our office personnel is 20 people, a total of 27 man-hours of training were given within the scope of Sustainability in 2023, and 2024 trainings on the relevant subject are also planned. (The Sustainability Training participation rate for office personnel is 100%, and this rate is 55% for all company personnel. 'truck.)
Since our company always prioritizes Talent and Career Management, it does not need to set a target on Gender Equality, Racial Discrimination, Human Rights, Business Ethics and Transparency, considering that 57% of our employees are women.
Since Tunaset always prioritizes Customer Satisfaction and Communication, it continues to improve its work with its experienced staff in the fields of Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction, Environmental and Occupational Health/Safety, Compliance with KVKK Rules, Data Privacy and Cyber Security, Innovation, Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Risk Management.
On behalf of Tunaset Sustainability Working Group (SÇG), we thank you for your interest.